Advanced Bodywork
Why on earth would I need Advanced Bodywork?
- 40+ hours a week at a computer
- chronic texting
- injury
- pre-surgery / post-surgery
- chronic pain
- chronic ergo-nightmaric situations – i.e. things you can’t do without compromising your body – jobs, instruments, sports.
When Traditional massage isn’t getting you there …
When Modern styles aren’t quite doing the trick …
don’t hit that “surgery” button just yet!
It may be time for Advanced Bodywork.
We can’t fix ligament tears,
but we are able help the chronic fascial patterns that led to the joint compromise in the first place.
We can’t correct cartilage and bursa dysfunction,
but we are able to help the compensation patterns that are of often colliding and making the pain worse than it needs to be.
We can’t fix arthritis,
but we are able to relieve locked muscles that are crowding the joint and creating extra pain.
And if you need the surgery?,
you still may need Advanced Bodywork to address the dysfunctional muscle patterns.
How does it work?
Muscles don’t just “get tight”. They also “get confused”.
- Locked Long
- Locked Short
- Involuntary Muscle Contracture
- Muscle Guarding
all examples of a confused muscle.
Pushing, pulling, stretching, holding a trigger point on a confused muscle does nothing to solve the root of the problem.
The muscle needs a reboot.
It has forgotten where it belongs in space and all that it can do.
When Stretching Fails You
If your hamstring is locked-short, – and if you sit all day this is a common scenario – and you stretch the locked-short hammy, it just returns to it’s locked-short state rather than toned in neutral where you want it.
The muscle is confused about what it means to be fully contracted, fully relaxed, toned in neutral.
It is a signaling problem.
And it requires the signal-correcting solutions that Advanced Bodywork brings to the table.
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History & Comparison
A geekery for your scrolling pleasure.
With Traditional massage styles such as Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue, the practitioner “works where it hurts”. If your neck is tight, they massage the neck muscles, relief is found, and all is well.
What happens when that doesn’t work?
Work Where it Doesn’t Hurt
With Modern styles such as Myofasical Length Testing, Rolfing, Structural Integration, Hellerwork Aston Pattenring, Myofascial Release, Anatomy Trains the practitioner works within the laws of tensegrity, movement patterns, and fascia. Fascia is Connective Tissue.
This is a Facial. “Not Fascia.”
Old Paradigm – Cadavier Fascia. It’s Dead.
In 2005 Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau created Strolling Under The Skin that revolutionized how we view fascia.
Fascia in motion live in the body is INCREDIBLE to witness:
video stream from Dr. Guimberteau’s site
Advanced Bodywork
Fresh on the scene cutting edge treatment technologies are emerging. MLT, Manual Ligament Therapy, SRT, Structural Relief Therapy, Tensegrity Medicine, Bowenwork.
The Traditional and Modern models were working ok. But there were cases where we were still failing the patient.
We were missing a couple of pieces of the puzzle.
Muscles don’t just “get tight”. Sometimes they “get confused”.
And Also The dysfunction is neuro-muscular-fascial.
This piece was discovered by Robert Schleip1. He received permission to test the fascial restrictions pre and post surgery and was astounded. When the anaesthesia kicked in the “laws” of fascial restriction no longer applied. Clearly there was a neural piece to the puzzle.
This Changed Everything.
The research began – looking into the signaling processes, how they work, and how do we work with them.
It’s Nice That You’re A Geek But I like pretty pictures …
Left – the patient’s Range of Motion when kept from compensating around the restrictions.
Right – the Practitioner demonstrating normal Range of Motion.
Yup, that’s me! And I could totally get my arm above my head at the time.
I did it all the time … by compensating around my myofascial arm line restrictions. And by compromising my “loose ligament” joints.
I was asking all kinds of muscles to do all kinds of things that weren’t their primary job. The system was a mess.
When you don’t let me compensate, my arms are pretty useless.
My forearms were a huge factor.
They were full of fascia restrictions and taking up all the slack in the lines.
The place that hurt, was the weakest link screaming ‘Help Me Please!”.
There was no more slack. She had nowhere else to go.
So she cried hoping I would hear her.
I heard her, but I sent in some deep tissue brutes to beat her up.
This made her even more sad.
Advanced Bodywork Tends To Look Like This:
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